

Project Type:

Industrial - HVAC Upgrades

Construction Cost


Metra 47th Street Boiler Upgrades

Chicago, IL

Project Description

The HOH Group is the engineer of record on a blanket contract ($10M in fees over 5 Years) with Metra to provide design, engineering, and construction services for multiple projects. HOH designed two entirely new heating systems for both the Diesel and Coach Shops at their 47th St. Yard.

Scope of Work

HOH provide a contextually sensitive and cost-efficient design solution to the existing Parish. Flexible multi-purpose room accommodates a variety of functions. Added three additional classrooms/meeting rooms/kitchen. HOH’s ability to provide all Architectural, MEP and Civil engineering services as a Prime. HOH services consisted of the following:

  • Provided Architectural, Structural, Civil and MEP design engineering

  • Provided construction cost estimating and value engineering

  • Added accessible parking/drop-off zone

  • Improved site drainage

  • Permit support

  • Construction Administration