University of Chicago
Project Type:
Higher Education - Pavement Project
Construction Cost
$ 7,000,000
University of Chicago, Main Quad
Chicago, IL
Project Description
Removal of the existing roadway pavement and walkways in the main Quad serving the University of Chicago and replacement with a Green friendly pervious paver and drainage system. The project is split into 3 phases over a 3 year period. Total construction value is $7 million. Phases 1 and 2 were completed in 2010-2011, with Phase 3 completed in 2012.
Scope of Work
This project consisted of the PLANNING AND DESIGN for removal of the existing bituminous pavement and walkways occupying
57th Street, 58th street, Greenwood Avenue, Harper Court, Hull Court, Hancock Court, the Quad circle turnaround and
replacing with a Green friendly paver and drainage system in the main Quad serving the University of Chicago. The pavement
section consisted of two 8’ wide columns of 4” square Edenstone block pavers over a 4” P210 granular base on the outside, and
a 6’ band of 8” thick pervious concrete (8” thick FILTERCRETE) on the inside.
The stormwater management portion of the pavement section included a 6” thick and varies CA-7 free draining aggregate base course. There was concrete curb along both edges of pavement to constrain the paver system. The pavement was pitched towards the middle to drain through the pervious pavement, into the CA-7 base then into a perforated 6” pvc drain pipe discharging to the nearest City outfall sewer-minimizing sewer, detention facilities, and drainage structures. There was ~1,600’ of sewer installed for the project.
CDWM permitting was required for all stormwater management & ADA facilities.
All longitudinal grades followed ADA standards and all drainage followed City of Chicago requirements.
Structural engineering was performed for multiple steam tunnel crossings where the existing steam tunnel roofs, walls and floors slabs were removed and replaced to accommodate paver grades and HS20 truck loading.